Vote Early in Iowa

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How to Vote Early in Iowa

You may cast an absentee ballot in person at your county auditor’s office before any election. You must vote your absentee ballot at the auditor’s office. You cannot take the ballot home with you. For voters who need assistance in marking their ballots, an accessible ballot marking device is available at the county auditor’s office.

For primary and general elections, absentee ballots will be available no earlier than 40 days at the county auditors’ offices. For all other elections, ballots will be available as soon as they are ready. In-person absentee voting is not available on election day at the auditor’s office unless the polls open at noon. If the polls open at noon, you may cast an absentee ballot at the county auditor’s office from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. on election day.

Some county auditors use satellite absentee voting stations to provide in-person absentee voting at other places other than the auditor’s office.

You must mark the absentee ballot at the satellite station and leave it with the officials. You cannot take the ballot home with you.

This information is from Iowa Secretary of State's website. More information can be found there.

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